Child NeuroBehavioral Center for Health & Wellness, PC
Maria E Gangarosa-Emerson, PhD & Associates
- Dr. Gangarosa-Emerson and associates work primarily with children, adolescents, and parents.
- Dr. Gangarosa has
expertise in assessment, cognitive
rehabilitation, child development, behavior
management, attachment issues, Play Therapy (PT), Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT),
and treating disorders of anxiety and depression.
- CNC has developed programs
to remediate neurocognitive weaknesses and promote health and wellness.
- We believe your child can be successful at home
and school.

Neuropsychological Evaluations
Neuropsychologists are specially trained to administer, integrate & interpret
comprehensive batteries that measure:
auditory processing
visual processing
executive functions (organization,
planning, speed of
sensory perception
motor coordination
social-emotional or
personality functioning
academic skills
Assessments allow for more thorough
recommendations to doctors, schools, & employers.
Neuropsychological Evaluation
are appropriate for the following:
- Unconfirmed diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Learning Disability (LD,
Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Oral & Written Learning Disaiblity, Nonverbal Learning
- Developmental delays (PDD, Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, etc.)
- Learning problems that do not fit special education criteria for accommodations
- Declining school or work performance
- Neurological conditions such as seizures, head trauma, stroke, etc.
- Concerns regarding the differential diagnosis of emotional versus neurological problems
- Psychiatric problems influencing school or work performance
- Beginning/attending college or changing careers
- And to determine medication efficacy
Let's Fix the Problem!
Dyslexia & Literacy Treatment
We use researched, Orton Gillingham-based treatments for children with:
Auditory Processing Disorder
Semantic Pragmatic Language Disorder
Reading Comprehension problems
Vison Efficency Issus & Treatment
We can identify and treat visual processing & visual efficiency issues:
Nonverbal Learning Disability
Visual Processing Disorder
Vision Issues
Certified Irlen's Screening & Assessment for Color Overlays
Occupational Therapy Assessment & Treatment
We can identify and treat sensory & motor issues:
Sensory Integration Disorder
Motor Dysgraphia
Handwriting Without Tears
Neurofeedback Therapy
We provide the Othmer Method Neurofeedback. Neurofeedback treats the
"hardware" of the brain (wired emotional response) while therapy is
implemented to treat the "software" of the brain. When the overreactive
limbic system can be quelled, the person can now benefit from therapuetic
concepts & learning. We treat the following with Neurofeedback:
- Children with anger, rage, and / or oppositional behavior
- Anxiety (General Anxiety, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,
- Depression
- Autism
- Overactive at home or school
- Sleep, eating or sensory issues
- Social issues
- Trauma
- Veterns with PTSD (on a limited basis)
Traditional Therapy
We treat children with:
Difficulty obeying adults
Anger or physical aggression
Anxiety (General Anxiety, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
Overactive at home or school
Difficulty sleeping
Difficulty getting along or interacting with peers
Multiple placements (foster care, adoption, divorce/blended families)
Parent Education
We use PCIT and Theraplay techniques to deal with difficult children & poor
parent-child relationships.
Adults are seen on a limited basis and treatment is available for those with:
Difficulty in relationships
Dr. Gangarosa-Emerson does not treat couples or do traditional therapy
with those who have addictions, eating disorders, or psychosis.
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